Monday, 28 February 2011

Academy of Family Physicians of Malaysia Pre-Annual General Meeting Workshop - Clinical Hypnotherapy - Approaches in Healthcare and Medicine, 15 April 2011, Kuala Lumpur

This workshop is presented by the London College of Clinical Hypnosis (LCCH) in collaboration with the Academy of Family Physicians of Malaysia (AFPM) and it would present a unique opportunity for General Practitioners, Medical and Allied Healthcare professionals as well as students to explore the contribution that Clinical Hypnosis can make to treatment plans and to patient benefits.

The workshop is hands on and participants will experience clinical hypnosis, learn how to do self-hypnosis and observe the use of clinical hypnotherapy.  Discussion on how to create a suitable treatment plan will integrate the expertise from the various disciplines of healthcare delegates and highlight how and when clinical hypnosis can provide benefits to the patient.  Participants will gain both useful insight and practical skills to benefit their patients.

The workshop is set in the current context of the worldwide resurgence in the clinical use of hypnosis as the medical community takes a more holistic approach to the management of a wide variety of presenting symptoms and condition.  


It is designed to provide :

  • Hands on experience of clinical hypnotherapy
  • Wider understanding of how patients may benefit through clinical hypnosis
  • Creation of treatment plan including clinical hypnosis for hypertension
  • Creation of treatment plan including clinical hypnosis for pre- and post-operative care
  • How to use clinical hypnosis for self-relaxation
  • How to identify a qualified clinical hypnotherapist
  • LCCH-AFPM certificate of attendance

For more details, you may download the flyer at 

By Sheila Menon, Principal & Director

Sunday, 27 February 2011

New Career on the Horizon by Sheila Menon

The desire to help others is a natural response in the current climate of stress and stress related illnesses. More students are enrolling onto courses about psychology and many adults are exploring second careers in the caring professions.

Clinical Hypnosis is a field of mind body medicine providing new opportunities in both the health-care and corporate sector. Today clinical hypnosis is increasingly available in UK for psychological and medical conditions. In Malaysia, the London College of Clinical Hypnosis (LCCH) working in collaboration with the Academy of Family Physicians has introduced personal and professional training in Clinical Hypnosis.

Rising Demand
Hypnosis is the language of our inner mind. Using clinical hypnosis you have greater access to your true potential. “Patients and clients learn coping strategies, new habits and skills much more easily in hypnosis”, says Thanam Selva, clinical hypnotherapist at the LCCH Center. This therapy is enormously effective with conditions like insomnia, obesity, procrastination, anxiety disorders and depression. In addition, clinical hypnosis facilitates a more optimistic mind set and improves  motivation and confidence.  Thanam adds that more people are aware of the benefits of clinical hypnosis thus making the demand for qualified clinical hypnotherapists rise.

Colleague Dr Abdul Hanan talks about the wide range of medical conditions that are also assisted by using clinical hypnosis.  These include pain management, fertility treatment and even post operative recovery. Dr Hanan who lecturers for the LCCH goes on to say that one of the nicest parts of the clinical hypnotherapy is watching the smiling faces as the patients emerge from the hypnosis state. It is a great feeling when you help someone who has battled with a problem for years”.

New Profession
Sheila Menon, Principal of the LCCH Asia has been training clinical hypnotherapist for 25 years. “The options are limitless”, she says as clinical hypnosis has applications to medical, emotional and psychological problems. It is called a brief therapy because it helps people towards their goals quickly. Menon says that many clinical hypnotherapists work as independent consultants. “We opened the LCCH Therapy Center with branches in Penang and Johor to provide a safe environment for our graduates to work”. There are many opportunities with LCCH trained clinical hypnotherapists working within government hospitals, a major hotel chain, Banking HR, Universities, other therapy centers and Medical Clinics. The LCCH also work closely with the Academy of Family Medicine and the British Society of Clinical Hypnosis so that standards are of the highest quality. In fact, our Practitioners are amongst the finest trained in Asia.

Formal Training
Formal training is practical and fun. It starts with a foundation in personal and professional development. Students learn all about the unconscious mind and how to be safe ethical and competent whilst doing hypnosis. The working with patients part is taught during the Diploma level. Students start with simple habits  - smoking cessation, weight management and phobias and progress to complex conditions which include medical conditions like skin conditions, cancer patients, pregnancy, as well as bereavement, abuse and psycho-sexual dysfunction

In 2010 the LCCH pioneered the Cognitive Behaviour Hypnotherapy course in Asia. “It is exciting to be part of the team who are introducing clinical hypnosis to Asia”,  says Thevi Sinnadurai Course Director for the LCCH Asia. Thevi has her own busy practice specializing in trauma work, anxiety and smoking cessation. “We also developed the LCCH corporate arm specializing in training, motivation and goal setting which opened last year”.

Learning from the Best
The LCCH are recipients of the Best College of Clinical Hypnosis Brand awarded by the prestigious Brand Laureate. In Asia all courses receive UK University accreditation and the LCCH is one of the most prestigious training organizations for Clinical Hypnosis in Europe and Asia. Training is available in KL, Penang and Singapore.  The LCCH are also custodians for a prestigious Fellowship at Harvard University.

“There are three levels to the International Diploma in Clinical Hypnosis. Level 1 also called the Certificate in Clinical Hypnosis is open for professional and personal development. Clinical supervision and clinical practice are also an essential part of level 2 and level 3 and are designed to ensure that graduates and practitioners are of the highest standards”.

The LCCH is now open for enrollment for the International Diploma in Clinical Hypnosis. This part-time course begins on the 26th March at University Malaya.

For enquiries call Mildred on 03 79606 439 or visit  

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Average of 60 suicides per month in the country

"Two people commit suicide daily in Malaysia and experts believe the figure could be higher with the many undetermined deaths..........................."

Read the full story at The Star Online